High volume Black and White photocopy
If you find producing a large quantity of photocopies boring and time-consuming, Copyline certainly releases you from monotony and saves you plenty of time as well as manpower.
We equip with advanced duplication systems, producing over 50,000 copies per hour, which definitely is the solution to tight budget and urgent deadline. Just drop your job at Copyline, we will do the rest!
High volume colour photocopy
With our new Digital Colour Copier System, we can produce 3,000 Full Coloured Copies per hours., enlarger and reduce the materials according to your own needs (25% - 400%), enrich colour contrast and change figure shape. |

| 快速大量影印
利用本公司先進的數碼彩色影印系統,不但能高速(3,000張/小時)複印出大量優質的彩色副本,更可以應閣下的要求隨意放大縮小(25%-400%)、加強顏色對比、改變原色及變形等特別效果。 |